Monday, December 31, 2007

Daily quote #302

"Don't feel weird...It's Poppa Bear!!! That dude gave you the gift of life. It's partially his fault that you're on planet Earth. (haha) He's rad in my book." - Matt K in response to my bulletin about it being weird to have an old man in your top eight.

"You know you say some really funny shit all the time, you might not realize it because no one quotes you. They dont want to bite your steez. But yeah, you spew epic from the grill on the daily." - Joey

"How exactly does one shake a pussy?" - Joey

Me: Can I bang your girlfriend?
Joey: Why? Hahaha. I mean no. Hahahaha. Why was the first thing I said 'why' and not 'no'? Somethings wrong w/ me. I don't know, do you have a good reason? ... Haha, awkward silence.

"When the bowling ball weighs more than you, bust out the japanese engineering." - Joey

"Thats how shit is man. Blurry cats all day every day." - Joey

"I'm Project Petrie." - Dave

"Bleach anything cool by accident?" - Joey

Jen: I think that's a record. Two mental break downs in 48 hours?
Me: Can I daily quote that?
Jen: Yeah, sure, so everyone knows that not only am I a bad sister but I'm a crazy person as well (see quote #29_)?

"I'm goin' to get a fainting dog. When I yell at him he asses out." - Scott

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