Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Daily quote #348

Me: I have some vodka but NOTHING to chase w/ it, unless I want to chase it w/ water or soymilk.
Dave: ..or more vodka! What kind of alchoholic are you?!

"Thank goodness you have an eye and a camera to document memories. When you pull those negatives or photos out later, you'll realize just how much fun shit you FORGOT! Savor life." - Matt K

"I posted a link to The Daily Quote on the Emerica [message]board; Niggaz wuz feelin Scott." - Joey

"I think you need to find another occupation than a hustla" - Anonymous

"That fucking cat better not pee on top of the fridge. I'll kill it." - Lauren

"I dont know where ______ is now but I have his dog.. and no dog food. I fed it a bagel and some turkey bacon." - Lauren

"I drank a lot last night and drove across a lake. Like Jesus, except my feet were tires!." - Luaren

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