Saturday, April 12, 2008

Daily quote #401

"[Me: How you livin'?] I'll be doing better when I get out of work. I'm DJing. I'm having a part and I'm DJing. Nothing but girls ages 16-22. Nothing but fly bitches." - The crazy bastard at the liquor store

"Fuck that van. Its got pussy ingrained in every surface probably. I know it does." - Joey in response to me offering to sell him the 'Big Bad Rad Dad Van'.

"Waste of cock. It could go so many more doper places." - Joey regarding TFs (titty fucks).

"Mix beer into it's cat food so it's like 9 Lives... Only beer lives." - Billy

"Today has been nothing but LOLs. If that's not livin', I don't know what is." - Billy

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