Saturday, October 4, 2008

Daily quote #553

"If I shit my pants don't tell anyone dude." - Scott

"I don't feel like skating. I'm an alcoholic. Guess what I want to do." - Scott

Lady at Taco Bell: Anything to drink?
Scott: Got any beer?

"This is our day off music." - Scott while playing Ace of Base

"You know how bad Coke in the eye burns? It fuckin' burns! God! Fuck, this shit burns!" - Pat

Me: What's going on outside?
Perry: Fire nigga!

"I didn't disappear, I just stayed in school." - Scott

"You want my shirt? I want your panties." - Pat to some random girl at last night's party.

Pat: I got a two year old and a two month old.
Pat: Wait until they're old enough to call you a bitch.

"Ima 'bout to put this 40[oz] in the microwave." - Justin trying to thaw out a frozen 40.

Undercover Cop: Put the bottle down!
Pat: Fuck you nigga!

Me: Huh?
Justin: Just tryin' to rob people.

"I'm stealing this cat tonight." - Pat

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