Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Daily quote #556

Scott: I wouldn't want to be the black president.
Me: You're not black.
Scott: Shit, I beg to differ.

"Do you have any wheels that match the board?" - Random kid in skateshop

"I wanna hit someone in my car onetime. Like, "Thump! Whoops!" Maybe while drunk." - Scott

Jason: Pizza always tastes better w/ a little ass hair.
Scott: Yeah, for real.

"They sag harder than rollerbladers." - Dom regarding to people in prison.

Scott: Where's that apple?
Me: The small zipped pocket on my bag.
Scott: Oh, I was looking in your glove box.

"When was the last time I knew you had a heart?" - Scott

"Fuck a fat girl and a real skinny girl, do they equal out?" - Anonymous

Pat: Hey Scott, roll your windows down. I think Ima go puke [inside your car].
Scott: I'll beat that ass.

"God. Biggest fucking asshole I know." - Lindsay

"You don't feel like it? That's a good thing to tell your store manager." - Steph NOTE: My store manager.

"Come get drunk with me and old men. We're going to party like it's 1991! '91 nigga! Fuck bitches!" - Scott

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
