Friday, September 12, 2008

Daily quote #534

"You're really promiscuous aren't you? You seem that way from the Daily Quotes." - Donna

"Fuck that, I'd kill myself, and if I was the guy? I'd kill the girl I got pregnant, and then I'd kill myself." - Heidi

"I'm gonna get beat up by this pregnant girl? Oh shit, she ain't gunna do shit. She's pregnant." - Heidi

"I felt it go into my skin; It was real fast." - Kelly

"So I might be late, if you know what I mean." - Melanie (NOTE: It isn't me.)

Me: Are you voting for the Brotha [Obama]?
Lauren: Oh fuck yes; I'm a democrat dumbass.

"Oh dude I'm getting so good at burning kids." - Dave

"I can't wait until one day when we get super drunk and I say I love you." - Melanie

"Them cokeheads get around, check yourself sometime foo', and those crazy bitches? Those girls are for life. they'll stick around." - Kelsey

"What is UP with your bitchass and crazy skanks?" - Kelsey

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