Friday, September 19, 2008

Daily quote #540

"So I think I have it figure out; I just need to sleep w/ a married man then I can just blackmail him." - Melanie

"Good morning. You're dumb." - Donna

"I got strong sneakers." - Donna

"This is heavenly and we're drinking heaven." - Donna regarding to PBR 40s.

"I just get this really sleezy vibe from you, even w/ mannequin." - Donna

"You're going to get sued." - Scott regarding The Daily Quotes.

"I'm going to have to divorce my step-dog." - Donna

"Our friends are the coolest." - Scott

"Smell these [arm] pits. Betchya won't." - Dave

"My dad found my vibrator." - Anonymous

"Is Scott going to be the best man in your wedding?" - Kelly

"Why? Why do hate me the most? I never did anything to you?" - Kelly

"Did you just say want a tall African American girl?" - Kelly

"We have like five songs." - Kelly

"Nah, I don't like white hip hoppers." - Dom

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