Sunday, September 14, 2008

Daily quote #536

"I can't decide whether to put you under 'Asshole of the Universe' or keep the original 'Tells' [in my phone]." - Kelsey

"Some people are book smart and some people are common sense smart. You're neither." - Kelly

"You should be a philosopher." - Michele

Me: I don't do dumb things. Ever.
Michele: Morgay? Yeah, that was pretty dumb.

"Don't talk to him; He's annoying, a jerk, and he lies a lot." - Kelly as she's introducing me to the new girl at work.

Whitney: I'm moving. I'm going to miss you.
Me: Mhmmm. Yeah.
Whitney: You don't have to be a dick, you can say 'I'll miss you too.'
Me: Oh, yeah, hah, whoops.
Whitney: You're an asshole

Me: I just got all four 50 Cent's albums.
Joey: Don't even talk to me if you're serious.
Me: No homo.
Joey: Jesus. I thought I knew you at least enough to know you better.

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