Friday, May 2, 2008

Daily quote #421

"Don't carry all that cash on you; If you've exchanged it for drugs, that's better." - Mother Bear

"I remember when we first started talking and your away used to say 'Huffing Sharpies' and I thought you were for real." - Morgan

"I'm gonna stick my dick in your eye socket." - Fairfax

"Yo, lemme try dat skateboard. You guys be makin' money man, I wanna try whatever is makin' money these days." - Random guy downtown last night

"You make sound like such a dick. [Me: You're the one that says your quotes.] Yeah, but you make me sound like a dick. I'm not a dick." Scott as he starts to laugh uncontrolably.

"I want to be geared out like Matt K." - Scott

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