Saturday, May 17, 2008

Daily quote #436

"Justin, I always have a dirty mouth." - Kelly

"I love how the only two people rapping is me and the two black dudes." - Scott

"Dey lit that and all my eyebrows were all gone!" - Random brotha in reference to the fire picture below.

"I hitchya momma wid tha reach around." - Scott to Josh.

"That the loosest pussy I ever seen!" - Scott

"Yo, I bought that keg w/ a fake ID!" - Chris Roberts

"Who wants beer?! I have a fake ID!" - Chris Roberts

"Fuck it, I ain't tryin' to drive home in a straight line." - Scott while chugging beers.

"I heard you lost your v-card." - Over heard from across the room.

"Pussy will fuck a nigga up." - Random brotha at the party.

"I know the keg isn't all gone because I know there aren't any real niggaz there." - Scott

"You know we're having at least a kid, right? And you can't punch me when I'm pregnant, and wire hangers are not allowed in out house." - Erin

"Go to a bookstore for pussy. Or any place that sells hot chocolate." - Erin

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