Saturday, May 10, 2008

Daily quote #429

"So like I have two bachelor's now. You want one?" - Lauren

"All Scott's quotes make him sound like a scumbag." - Joey

"Remind me to knee you in the balls when I see you." - Melanie

"I think your away message should say 'Fuck Girls.' [Instead of 'Girls. Fuck.'] because then it actually seems like you, you know, are like a baller or

something." - Kelsey

Cop: Wutchya doin' in the dope ally?
Scott: Uhh... not buying dope.

"I doubt he gunna pull us over." - Scott moments before we get pulled over

"I saw a girl back there that looked like my favorite pornstar." - Scott

Me: What's up w/ you and gay sex lately?
Scott: Everything!

"My grandma told me I could get her cat. It's pretty sweet." - Scott

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